Cyber Awareness Week – 2023

To raise awareness about responsible internet use and online safety, the school organised a Cyber Awareness Week from August 21 to August 29,2023. During this week, various activities were held to educate students on the importance of navigating cyberspace safely.

One significant event was a comprehensive session conducted on August 22, 2023, specifically for class VIII students. The workshop aimed to enlighten students about the significance of maintaining privacy settings, identifying potential online threats, and practising responsible behaviour on the internet.

Throughout the week, students engaged in interactive activities designed to equip them with the skills necessary to be responsible digital citizens. Additionally, a Tech Talk was organised for Class XI students. During this talk, students shared insights into emerging technological trends, emphasised the importance of cybersecurity, and explored the broader societal impacts of technology.

On August 25, 2023,  SecureE-Quiz took place involving IX and X class students. By combining education with excitement, the quiz promoted cybersecurity awareness effectively. A workshop titled “An Effective Guide to Crime and Cybersecurity in Schools” was also organised for teachers during the week. During the workshop, teachers were introduced to tools and strategies aimed at enhancing safety measures within the school environment. Enlightening sessions throughout the week provided students and teachers with a deeper understanding of the digital realm and its implications.

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