Teachers’ Day Celebration 2022

Honouring the Torchbearers of Our Nation

Appreciation, enjoyment, fun and excitement were experienced by the teachers on this Special Teacher’s Day. The Student Council of the school organized multifarious activities for their reverend Gurus. Beginning with the special assembly, the students gave a warm welcome to their teachers as they walked into the ground showering them with rose petals and flowers.

In a special felicitation ceremony, teachers who had walked the extra mile in getting accolades for the school in Scholastic and Co-curricular activities were acknowledged. Maj. Gen. Sandeep Singh, SM, VSM (Retd.), Hon’ble CEO, Salwan Education Trust, Maj. Gen. Sanjeev Shukla, VSM (Retd.), Director, Salwan Public School and Smt. Priyanka Barara, Principal of the School presented the certificates of appreciation to the venerated teachers.   

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