Rendezvous with Veteran Environmentalist, Mr. Ramesh N. Mehrotra

Three students of Class V, Gurnav Singh (V E), Sinhayana Kapoor (V B) and Bhavnoor Kaur (V C) along with two teachers, Mrs. Mala Kapoor and Mrs. Jyotsana Kapoor, participated in an intriguing interactive session with Mr. Ramesh N. Mehrotra, Former Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (PCCF) and Head of Forest Forces (HoFF), Rajasthan on 27th July 2023. The veteran environmentalist answered a volley of questions put forth by the students and apprised them of the path-breaking initiatives and projects undertaken by him. Mr. Mehrotra, an enthusiastic conservationist with over four decades of experience in the Indian Forest Service, is now actively involved in the Inter-Continental Cheetah Reintroduction Project and advises various wildlife management initiatives in India.

The wildlife enthusiast and activist made the inquisitive Salwanians aware of the significance and impact of the cheetah translocation project. While sharing his experiences with the students, Mr. Mehrotra enlightened them about the reintroduction of the Tigers Project pioneered by him. He described fascinating details related to the relocation of tigers from Ranthambore National Park to Sariska Tiger Reserve. Elaborating on the wildlife management reforms initiated by him such as satellite-based radio collar monitoring, camera trap, etc., the eco-crusader shared many interesting anecdotes with the Salwanians. Mr. Mehrotra also told the students about a special project spearheaded by him for the restoration of the wetlands, the Ghana Bird Sanctuary, Bharatpur and the Inle Lake, Myanmar. Recounting some of the challenges faced by him during his exciting journey as an environmentalist, he motivated the young Salwanians to protect Mother Nature by adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle.

The Salwanians presented a memento as a token of appreciation to Mr. Mehrotra. On this momentous occasion, a sapling was also planted by the passionate environmentalist, as the young eco-brigadiers from Salwan pledged to protect the environment. The tête-à-tête with the wildlife conservation ambassador, Mr. R. N. Mehrotra was an insightful,  enlightening and enriching experience for the young Salwanians.

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